
Writing is a daily dance with fear. Whenever I sit in my chair and begin the push to put words to paper (or fingers to keys)  I wrestle with the snarky voice of self-doubt and a  nagging whisper declaring epic failure over my efforts to tell story and verse.   

Writing is doing the work needed to press submit,  flinging words into the universe with a prayer on lips which silently move when no one else sees and a heart asking for the opportunity to change the world with my random collection of letters, passion, and hope.    

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  •  Four years ago my heart struggled with fear and angst as I considered investing hard-earned dollars into the idea and the promise of hope for growth in my writing. I had a writing dream, held deep in my heart far more years than I could count. I  had a love of words both written and spoken. Belonging to several local writing groups, I participated in writers conferences and had several pieces published, but still struggled to value my work as a writer.  I was afraid.
  • Four years ago I was not courageous enough to admit to myself or anyone else that I was a writer.  I had a blog and an eclectic collection of notebooks, journals, and papers composed of random thoughts which made little to sense to anyone but myself.  I was afraid.
  • Four years ago I entered a writing community founded by Jeff Goins and discovered a treasure of like-minded wordsmiths where I received encouragement, honesty and authentic friendships beyond my wildest hopes. I was supported, surrounded and encouraged to learn, grow and all-out embrace the crazy thought- I am a writer!
  •  Four years ago I began to see myself as a writer. My perspective has changed and (happy dance- arms waving wildly in the air)   I am no longer alone!  
Photo by Alexis Brown on Unsplash

Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.

 Ecclesiastes 4:9  New Living Translation

In the past 1460 days, I have stepped out, stumbled forward, taken chances and embraced the joy of celebration in the success of others. I have met writers around the globe, created friendships on different continents and wrapped arms around others as they sojourn their own path as writers. Together we have experienced powerful generosity as we have shared and given one to another through our writing and we are not alone.

Photo by Mike Petrucci on Unsplash

I still write afraid.  

It seems most creatives do. 

This may never change.

“Henry Fonda was still throwing up before each stage performance, even when he was seventy-five. In other words, fear doesn’t go away. The warrior and the artist live by the same code of necessity, which dictates that the battle must be fought anew every day.”

-Steven Pressfield, The War of Art

I choose to be alright with being afraid. Perhaps entertianing a healthy fear makes us more resilient, but I am no longer alone. For this, I am filled with gratitude.

Photo by The Climate Reality Project on Unsplash
  • Who travels with you on your creative journey? 
  • Do you need a community of like-minded people? 
  • What steps would you need to take to find “your people?”

If there is a gap in your world which longs to be filled with others to travel with you – today is the day to begin. 

Look. Ask. Do. Begin.

Let me know what steps you have taken to create community. 

If you would like more helpful tips and ideas for living intentionally please sign up to receive weekly updates and a free guide ” 10 Steps to a More Intentional Life.” 

nancy bouwens coach


  1. I loved the reminder that we will always have fears that come and stay. So that we cannot be thrown off when they show up, but instead dig our heels in and keep going. Good post!

    1. Heels in, head high and arms wide – leaning into the fear, facing it head on and doing life afraid if need be..but doing it. Not giving up or giving in.

      Blessings Anne!

  2. I have been waiting for fear to leave. The Henry Fonda story helped me see the need to create with fear.

    1. I think fear never leaves – but it can be silenced as we move beyond it. We keep creating and taking steps. Not stopping even when afraid.

      Blessings- Hugs – Nancy

  3. Thanks for the encouragement Nancy. I am working on another devotional for children and would appreciate your prayers.

    1. Kathleen- keep writing. Keep creating.Your gifts are a blessing to your Heavenly Father! I imagine Him smiling and laughing as we walk in our calling – for He delights in watching us be all we have been created to be.

      Yes prayers indeed! Keep me posted on your devotional!

  4. Nancy, this post speaks for me and it speaks to me. First, there are so many things that are true for me as well. There are also other things that are not yet true for me or at least where I am not as far down the road, but I am in process. I am on the journey and I am encouraged by this post. Thank you!

    1. Kaye-

      A process, a journey – each a step in our path to being all we have been created to be !!

      Mega Blessings on you and those you love this Christmas season! Thank you for stopping by 🙂

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