butterfly on flower


Waiting is hard. We are not creatures of patience and are told those who are good at waiting are virtuous. I am not good at waiting. 

Some things take more time than we want to give. Seasons, butterflies, babies, a good marriage, rich friendships, and healings to name a few. All of these need time to become real. 

butterfly on flower. waiting.
Photo by Boris Smokrovic on Unsplash

Wating is Hard. 

We long to skip over the uncomfortable. We want beauty without pain, but when we short-cut the journey we risk aborting that which we are desperate for. 

There is a need for seasons and time. This is hard. When you and I are in the midst of waiting for prayers to be answered, life to shift and help to come, watching for God to move can be agonizing. 

We forget it is in the waiting where we build strength to shoulder the weight of what tomorrow holds. Mountains are climbed one step at a time and life is lived one day, one moment and one breath at a time.

I am learning afresh how difficult hard places can be. In my soul, there is a deep desperation for God to move mountains in my life and those I love. 

pray for mountains to move. waiting.
Photo by Matt Sclarandis on Unsplash

Is Waiting Hard For You too? 

Our toes tap. We try and help God, We cry and plead, and yet there is the wait. Waiting is both a hard and beautiful place.

When we are called to wait, there is grace in the silence and hope in a God who is faithful. My friend and fellow sojourner, know this, his promises are for all of our days. He is the keeper of both the mountain and valley. He speaks of forever and not just the here and now. He names the stars, holds eternity in his hands and yet he knows us.

He counts the stars and calls them all by name. Psalm 147:4

shattered pot. waiting.
Photo by Daniel Tafjord on Unsplash

He Sees the Broken Places. 

Do you carry this promise in your heart or does it feel as lifeless as a shattered clay pot?  Is there a  struggle to accept God’s love for you? My prayer as I write these words would be for you to know as never before how loved and valued you are. You matter. Your wrestling is not unseen by God. He knows and is there … for you. He hears. He sees you. 

If these words and this post have spoken to you, please let me know, either in the comments or via email, nancy@intentionallife.me.  If you need help knowing what step is next in this faith walk, let me know this too. I would love to be the one who prays for you and with you. 

Please share these words with others who may need to hear them too. Let’s keep changing the world one word, one breath at a time. 







  1. “All of these need time to become real” speaks to me, Nancy. Your article and deep faith journey is so encouraging to me. Thank you for inviting us along. I join you in meeting God through these divine invitations one step, one day, one moment, one breath at a time. Love you, friend.

  2. Julie Rabideau says:

    I’ve learned some good lessons over the years, one – “waiting is my ‘friend’.” I’ve had to wait for many things, and gotten impatient inside (though NOT stamping my feet), but then I decide to sit down a wait patiently for the Lord to act in his own time. I’m rewarded by getting something greater than I could have imagined! One good example is waiting for a good husband. I dated a lot looking for a good mate, (all of my attempts were jerks) then decided to wait on the Lord and be patient in his own good time. Mr. Right was waiting looking for me!!! Everyone who knows my husband Ron will tell you what a jewel I married. He was more than worth it. We’re celebrating our 38th wedding anniversary this year. Waiting is hard but God is good!!

  3. Yes waiting is hard. When it’s unbearable HE gives me dreams that keep hope alive. I’ve had quite a few where David sits up, starts talking and walking and can see again. I feel the stirring up of faith and hope to preserve and Thank HIM who is FAITHFUL in all things. I don’t know the ending but I do know the one who has plans for it all. Thanks….I’m not always great in the waiting but HE is always GREAT! Hugs to you sweet lady!!!

  4. Sharon Dyer says:

    This is so good Nancy. Some of life’s richest lessons are learned while waiting. Thanks for sharing your heart and faith.

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