road way

The Key to Simplicity- Starting Where You Are; Secrets of Simpliciity

Overabundance affects more than only what we buy- it can show up in all areas of our lives; work, home, social commitments and relationships. One area of your life may be eating up most of your time and energy- and you may not be aware of it! You may find yourself wrapped up in a messy relationship or an energy draining work project and neglecting the other important areas of your life. We become entwined in our own rat-race and it is often impossible to remember where we  are headed, why we are here, or even allow ourselves permission to pause long enough and recall where we want our lives to go.



Our life is frittered away by detail … Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity.  Henry David Thoreau

If you were planning a trip, preparation would include what city you wanted to visit, what you would see on the way and likely what you would do when you arrived. But, if you did not know your own address, it would be tough to plan your travels. Driving without good directions can make everyone on the trip apprehensive. You might even be fearful of the road ahead because you have no idea what is to come!

road way


I have found the same applies to the process of simplification. Today, your challenge  is to first find where you are at and what you have been allowing to swallow up your time and steal your energy.

Charles Hummel , author of the classic writing “Tyranny of the Urgent” argues there is a regular tension between things that are urgent and things that are important — and far too often, the urgent wins.

Let’s take the temperature of our priorities; complete with the categories, Sometimes, Never, Always.

___ Do I make time for exercise?

___Is my home a place of peace?

___Do I create down time for myself and my family on a regular basis?

___Do I give of myself – time, talents and energy to causes important me?

___Do the special people in my life have my attention when they need it ?

___Do I arrive to appointments with time to spare?

___Do I invest in healthy friendships?

___Do I eat regular healthy meals?

___Am I in control of my calendar or does it control me?

___Are my home repairs done in a timely fashion?

___ Is my car maintained and repairs done when needed?

___Is my pantry stocked?

___Am I getting enough sleep?

___Do I take regular vacations?

___Do I work less than 10 hours a day?

___Do I find my work fulfilling?

___Do I make time to recharge my own batteries?

___Do I set personal goals which push me out of my comfort zone?

___Do I take risks?

___Am I excited for Monday morning?

___Is laughter a part of my life each day?

___Could I spend a day completely unplugged from technology without feeling anxious?


What do you see?  When you total up your sometimes, always and never place a star near the ones which cause you to raise your eyebrows in surprise and think about the why and how of each of these.. Do any of the “nevers” stand in the way of what you would like your life to represent? How do the “always” answers sit with you?

Great Job! Now, take a moment, make a cup of coffee or tea and sit back and ponder what you have written. 



Prompt for today: Consider how this practice makes you feel. What do you sense about where you find yourself? Is it intimidating or exciting? Leave a comment below and let’s start a conversation.


Invite your friends to join us- on our 31 day adventure, send them our link and bring them along on your quest for less stuff (inside and out) and more of a life you love!  You will find a place to sign up on the top right of the screen! One of you will receive a special gift at the end of our journey!  Blessings my friends! 

You can find the homepage with all the links to the series here: Secrets of
Simplicity-A 31 Day Journey; Learning to Live a Better Life With Less



  1. Knowing some of the people in this group quite well personally, or at least in character, I feel I can be fairly transparent here- a place of safe conversation and revelation.
    This post struck me HARD. For months I have been considering deleting my Facebook account, but have been unable to because of the many connections I have with dear friends and family on it. Having moved multiple times from state to state, and having family literally at one end of the country to the other, it is EXTREMELY difficult to cut that connection. Making new friends and developing the kind of relationships I had “back in the day” is elusive, so this has led to a great degree of loneliness and isolation. Hence, my social world has been wrapped up in FB.
    But I have been realizing more and more that it has also become an addiction- something that is controlling me, not vise versa. I spend hours a day on it. I know I am missing so many other things, and am not paying attention to the things that really matter.
    So, prompted by this post, in addition to self-conviction about this situation, I am going to “down-size” my FB drastically. Only those with whom I have frequent interaction, and close relationship with, are going to survive the “unfriending” in my effort to regain control of my life and to “simplify”. It’s time to reset priorities.
    This may not be exactly what you were driving at regarding simplifying, but it spoke volumes to me about simplifying my technological life.
    Thank you for the challenge– I’m in. 🙂

    1. Cheryl- Grateful these words have spoken to your heart.. confirming God’s whisper to you. I am praying for you special lady for the strength you need and the fortitude to simplify your technological world.
      Mega blessings… we are here for you.
      (big cyber hug) Nancy

  2. katinavaselopulos says:

    A great idea, Nancy! A great challenge!
    I Love your post and your questions!
    Except my car, which my husband always took care of, everything else in our life and home run very much in order for quite a few years. These past months have been unbearable with worry and uncertainty.
    A few ideas on your list have been put to the side…the only way we could survive.
    Not sure if I will follow up for the month, but I love what you do, and admire you, even if I don’t connect in the tribe often enough.
    In my book, which is almost done with the last edits, I write about uncluttering life, the importance of balance and moderation, and the necessity to say “no” to engagements that have no substance.

    Wishing you all the best with this challenge and always,

    1. Katina- your book sounds fabulous. … saying no most always clears room for more yes to the things closest to our hearts. Keep me posted on the release of the book:)


      1. katinavaselopulos says:

        Have you ever been in a standstill, Nancy?

        It seems that every 7-9 years life wants me to pause, take notice, grow, and move on. Those periods are great even in their limitations and pain, but if they stretch in time and demands, i can only handle helping others if I put my needs on the side. This time, a family of 19 counts on me for either their well being or survival.

        Tomorrow, thanks to you, I am getting back to my walking routine…One step at a time.

        Blessings and Light, my friend!

        1. Oh Katina girl.. yes. It feels as though a giant pause button has been pushed and I stuck in a stationary place. I often wrestle with have I missed God which is why I am at a standstill, or is it because He is asking me to breathe and wait on him.

          I pray daily for a heart to discern the times and seasons of my days.

          Congratualtions on your walking …. step by step by step! Keep us posted on your progress!

  3. Might need more laughter and friendship in my life. Also might need to try an unplugged day…

    1. Kaye-

      One can never laugh too much 🙂 Taking a joy break from the tough stuff by stepping back for a bit to regain perspective is invaluable. I too am considering an unplugged day…. sounds refreshing… and a little unnerving at the same time. 🙂

  4. A question arises in me. How would a person start his/her life over when life has been made to appear so complicated? The answer could be to take a step back an assess, evaluate or determine where he/she is right now. The individual could consider where he/she wants to go and how to begin to start the journey to get there. The very real personal “obligations” could be screaming so loudly that the person cannot even hear the small still voice giving directions on which way to turn. Daily quiet time is crucial for anyone who desires to sort through the “urgent” and the “important”. The checklist mentioned above is a good starting point in honest self evaluation. The tricky part is the action plan isn’t it? Who can be your accountability partner to follow through with your plan?

    1. Helena-

      Accountability is key to accomplishing most of our goals I agree! I find the squeaking wheel gets greased first- and it helps me huge when I have chosen to ask another to keep me on track.

      Blessings my friend 🙂

  5. I LOVE this and already shared. It’s really good, Nancy. Areas I need to work on jumped out at me. Other ones I’ve already been working on. Thanks for sharing something so valuable.

    1. Anne-

      Thanks for sharing. Grateful bits and pieces are tugging at your heart 🙂

  6. Wow! God has been talking to me about simplifying, and it started with cleaning out closets, cupboards and drawers (a journey that I’m still on – it’s time consuming!). Last week I went through the video series, “Simplify” with Bill Hybels, and now I find you doing a 30 day challenge to simplify! I’m listening, Lord!

    Thank you for this, my sweet friend! And now, I’ve got some work to do!

    1. Kathy- sounds like you are traveling the path of making way for something new in your life! Keep listening to Abba’s voice my friend; so many others call to us it is hard to hear what HE has to say1

      Blessings and hugs~

  7. I really enjoyed this blog and such good questions to ask ourselves. Regrouping, Taking stock and taking action again is a useful process.
    Thanks Nancy.

    1. Ray- step by step… taking action! Blessings Ray, thanks for stopping by 🙂

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