The Whisper vs. The Lie: Wrestling with Worth

Life has this funny way of throwing us curveballs, especially when it feels like we’re finally starting to figure things out.

At least once a week if not more, I want to give up on dreams I hold in my heart. I question if I am good enough, smart enough, or savy enough to make a difference in this great big world.

If we are honest, all of our hands would be in the air as we say me too.

Deep down at our core we wonder if we are enough.

Many of the women I coach come with this question in one form or another; “Am I enough?”

I get it. In a million ways, I get it. We wrestle with our worth, our value and our place in the world. What made sense yesterday is a cluster of craziness in our hearts today.

We hear the whisper of God’s call upon our life and still, the lie of the enemy of our souls seems to shout louder.

Embracing the Beautiful Unknown:

My friend, God’s plan for your life and mine is so much bigger and more beautiful than anything we can imagine.

Today is the day to let go of the need to understand everything and simply take the next step.

When we take incremental steps toward the things we long for, something huge begins to happen.

As we choose to intentionally place our trust in God’s plan we begin to see He is working behind the scenes, orchestrating His perfect plan just for us.

It may not always make sense in the moment and there are often more questions than answers in the midst of the messy middle.

Dancing with God’s Promises:

Amidst the doubts and uncertainties, it’s essential to hold on tight to God’s promises. Let His words be the melody that fills your heart and guides your steps. When you find yourself wandering in the wilderness of doubt, remember Isaiah 43:2: “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you.”

God’s love is constant, even when waves of disappointment and fear crash around you. Stay rooted in His promises, knowing that He is faithful every step of the way.

Nourished by Resilience:

Resilience is like a deep well of strength within you, ready to be tapped into when life gets tough. It’s about rising above the challenges and not allowing them to define you. In those moments when you feel weary, remember that God designed you to be resilient, capable of bouncing back stronger than before. Look back at the times when you thought you couldn’t go on, yet here you are, still standing. Own that resilience and draw from it to face the hurdles that come your way with courage and determination.

Finding Joy in the Journey:

Take a moment each day to savor the small joys amidst the uncertainty. It may be as simple as the warmth of a cup of tea, the laughter of a loved one, or the gentle rustle of leaves on a crisp autumn day. Cultivate gratitude for these moments, for they are reminders that God’s grace is ever-present and He is with you.

Choose joy, my friend, and let it breathe renewed life into your weary soul.

A Community of Kindred Spirits:

Navigating life’s twists and turns is never meant to be a solo expedition. Surround yourself with a community of kindred spirits who share your faith and understand the challenges you face. Draw strength from one another.

Cry together.

Laugh together.

Dream together.

Know you are not alone on this journey. Together, we find the encouragement, inspiration, and support needed to keep moving forward, trusting that God’s plan for each of us is intricately woven together.

My prayer for you my friend, is for these words to ignite a spark within your heart. Let go of the need for certainty and dance with the unknown, knowing that God’s promises are sure and his love never fails. Embrace your resilience. Draw on your past victories as you face obstacles with a faith that does not fail.

We can choose joy even if we do not feel joy.

Rise up, show up, and never give up.

God’s plan for you is good and it is waiting to unfold.

Find the peace in your day

Download My Peaceful Playlist

In the middle of our hectic lives, we so often find ourselves craving just a moment of peace; hence, the Peaceful Playlist I’ve put together. 

You are invited to download your copy for when you need to carve out a little bit of peace and serenity!

Listen as you get ready for a busy day, as you travel, as you cook, whenever you need to find a moment to breathe, relax, and bring your mind back to a peaceful spot.

Would you like to know more about working together? I would love to connect for a virtual coffee date – click here for more info!

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