listen intently

Listen Profoundly ; Secrets of Simplicity

When you stop talking you will create more time for listening. Most people like to think they are good listeners.Very few people are. Think about people you know, of all them, how many really listen to you? Listening is an art, and like any skill of life, it takes practice. No one is taught to listen, we are only taught to speak. To be listened to is a priceless gift not many are given in the fast paced, complicated world which we live in.

listen intently
Photo Credit: highersights via Compfight cc

What really attracts people is not what you say, but how well you listen. Listening and keeping your thoughts to yourself will lead to unexpected results. The person who does the most talking ends up feeling he knows more than anyone else.

The way to build trust is to listen and keep on listening… and then listen some more. It really doesn’t matter what you are talking about, just let other people do the talking.The rule of thumb, talk 20 percent of the time and listen 80 percent.

listen to me
Photo Credit: B Rosen via Compfight cc

You might be amazed at the things people tell you when you really listen. People will love you for listening, because not many people do it. The next time you are listening to someone notice how much you talk to yourself. Shift your focus back to the other person. Listen and hear what the other person is saying, before you even start to think of a response.

Listening intently is not easy. It takes practice.

Today’s Challenge- Experiment. Try listening at a different level than what you normally do. Warning this may feel awkward at first. Listen to your spouse, children, co-workers, or the service providers you encounter at the store or restaurants you frequent.

  • Listen for three minutes before you say your piece.
  • Time yourself if you need to.
  • Use prompts, nods, uh-huh, tell me more, yes, go on- encourage them to keep talking.
  • Just make sure you are there listening to them, not just waiting for them to stop or wanting to give your solution.

If you are enjoying this journey please invite your friends, family and random strangers to join in- the world will be a better place because of it!  Share the love and bring them along  or stop by Facebook  for more tidbits as you begin to enjoy the richness of a better life with less.




  1. Most people are thinking about their response while they are “listening”

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