The Weekend Collective: Eat More Ice Cream
Welcome to the Weekend! To each of you who are tackling stress, overwhelm and the joy of a messy life, I invite you to take a breath, step away from the hustle and savor the moment. It’s a good one.
Every now and then, the internet shares a golden nugget which frankly I don’t feel I can improve upon. This is one of them.
For those who understand, no explanation is needed. For those who do not understand, no explanation is possible.
One day I had lunch with some friends. Jim, a short, balding golfer type about 85-years old, came along with them; all in all, a pleasant bunch. When the menus were presented, we ordered salads, sandwiches, and soups, except for Jim who said, “Ice Cream, please. Two scoops, chocolate.”

I wasn’t sure my ears heard right, and the others were aghast. “Along with heated apple pie,” Jim added, completely unabashed. We tried to act quite nonchalant as if people did this all the time. But when our orders were brought out, I didn’t enjoy mine. I couldn’t take my eyes off Jim as his pie a-la-mode went down. The other guys couldn’t believe it. They ate their lunches silently and grinned.
The next time I went out to eat, I called and invited Jim. I lunched on white meat tuna. He ordered a parfait. I smiled. He asked if he amused me. I answered, “Yes, you do, but also you confuse me. How come you order rich desserts, while I feel I must be sensible?”
He laughed and said “I’m tasting all that is possible. I try to eat the food I need and do the things I should. But life’s so short, my friend, I hate missing out on something good. This year I realized how old I was. (He grinned) I haven’t been this old before. So, before I die, I’ve got to try those things that for years I had ignored. I haven’t smelled all the flowers yet. There are too many trout streams I haven’t fished. There are more fudge sundaes to wolf down and kites to be flown overhead.”
“There are too many golf courses I haven’t played. I’ve not laughed at all the jokes. I’ve missed a lot of sporting events and potato chips and cokes.”
“I want to wade again in water and feel the ocean spray on my face. I want to sit in a country church once more and thank God for His grace.”

“I want peanut butter every day spread on my morning toast. I want un-timed long distance calls to the folks I love the most.”
“I haven’t cried at all the movies yet or walked in the morning rain. I need to feel the wind on my face. I want to be in love again.”
“So, if I choose to have dessert, instead of having dinner, then should I die before nightfall, I’d say I died a winner because I missed out on nothing. I filled my heart’s desire. I had that final chocolate mousse before my life expired.”
With that, I called the waitress over.. “I’ve changed my mind, ” I said. “I want what he is having, only add some more whipped cream!” – Author unknown.
Love Big.
Breathe Deep.
Live a Two Scoop Life.
I think we need to eat more ice cream and live a two scoop kind of life. Ask anyone who has walked through a hard season and they will tell you the same. Regrets are complicated. Don’t wait.
What does eating more ice cream look like for you? I say, let’s get a really big scoop and dig in!

Awesome post Nancy but I can’t get over my desire not to return to being overweight. I’ve lost over 35 pounds and there’s a fear of it returning.
Maybe living a two scoop life is less about ice cream and more about savoring every moment we have… (but I do like the ice cream too)
LOVED, loved, loved this one. Maybe because my nose is pressed up against the window of life and I observe more than I live. Partly because it was modeled for me. Partly because as soon as I start enjoying something, life comes and stops it short. I need prayer in this area because I’ve been waiting too long for permission to live. Way too long.
So how do we begin to live a life where instead of our nosesd pressed against the window watching everyone else live their lives… we step out and begin our own dance? What needs to change? Perhaps we first need to step back from the window and practice a few steps… food for thought.
We actually have a friend like Jim. Every time we went to our favorite buffet he started out with his chocolate ice-cream. Great post, Nancy. And I’m all for dancing! Thanks for inspiring us, my friend.
Judy- make those big scoops!
Nancy, I LOVE this story. It reminds me of my father-in-law who liked to order dessert first. I think I’m gonna’ have to share this somehow somewhere.
Ordering dessert first goes against everything I was raised to do. Guess it’s time back away from what I have always done and “just do it”
Were having ice cream today!
Ahh … love ice cream kind of days!
There was a man at our church, Bob, who passed away about a year ago. He was also in his early 80s, but a fun, feisty old man! During one of our Sunday potlucks, Mark noticed Bob was headed for the dessert table while the rest of us stood in line for casseroles and salads. Mark teased Bob about it and Bob said, “Life is too short, I always start with dessert first!” Mark decided this was a good idea and now eyes the dessert table first.
Kath- this makes me smile…big! Thanks for sharing 🙂