How about those New Year’s resolutions so far?
Many of us have made resolutions, set goals and cleaned a closet or two since the calendar flipped over to 2013. Nothing really new about the days following the turn of the page- but for many of us it comes with a feeling of a clean slate with a fresh chance to do something new or accomplish something we haven’t been able to in the past!
I have often started strong to initiate change in my life, but then stumble not long out of the gate. Friends, family and others I meet struggle with making realistic goals and following through to completion too.
As a Christ-follower we have an incredible coach in our corner. We have the chance to start over and begin again each day…
One of my favorite verses is Lamentations 3:22-23
22 Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.
23 They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
We have the chance to start again- no matter how we may have missed the mark yesterday.
For this- I am grateful.
I didn’t set any New Year’s resolutions this year- but I am planning to accomplish a few things.
Live healthier this year by increasing my physical activity, water intake and fruit and veggie consumption – with the goal of reducing my body weight by 10%… (no I am not going to share my starting weight where I am starting- I am NOT that transparent)
Live a little more outside the lines, pushing back fear to live in a way that is more about others and less about what feels safe to me.
Live in a way that reflects my longing to throw my stone in the pond and experience the simple joy of making a greater difference in my world in my writing and coaching.
I would love to hear what YOU are purposing in your life this year!
Thanks for stopping by- Blessings
I’m purposing to get back to a whole-foods lifestyle. I’ve slacked the past year and it’s reflected in my weight. I know better, so before I get too out of control, it’s veggies and water added back in to my menu!
Thank you for reminding us that we can still start over. I love that God gives us a bazillionth chance!