From Small Talk to Soul Talk: The Heart of True Friendship

My husband and I often laugh about our different approaches to casual greetings. He’s never met a stranger and delights in those “How are you?” exchanges with everyone he meets. Me? I’d rather share a genuine smile and keep walking. It’s not that I’m unfriendly – far from it! – but at this stage of life, I find myself yearning for something deeper.

You know those moments I’m talking about. The quick hellos at the grocery store, the polite nods at church, the superficial chatter at family gatherings. After decades of these exchanges, I’ve come to realize that true connection requires more than just pleasant small talk.

In this season of life, I’ve learned to treasure what I call “coffee cup conversations” – those precious moments when you sit across from a dear friend, hands wrapped around a warm mug, sharing not just your words but your heart. These are the friendships that sustain us, that reflect God’s love for deep, meaningful relationships.

Remember how God looked at Adam in the Garden and said it wasn’t good for him to be alone? I like to think He was already envisioning the beautiful tapestry of friendships He would weave throughout human history. Just look at the profound examples He gave us in Scripture: David and Jonathan, whose friendship ran deeper than brotherhood; Ruth and Naomi, bound together by loyalty and love; Paul and Timothy, mentoring and encouraging one another in faith.

My mother, in her wisdom, always told me, “If you want to have a friend, you need to be a friend.” Now, with the benefit of years lived and lessons learned, I understand the profound truth in those simple words. True friendship isn’t about the number of social media connections or the size of our holiday card list. It’s about being willing to invest our heart, time, and prayers in another person’s journey.

So how do we nurture these deeper connections?

First, be authentic. At our age, we’ve earned the right to be genuinely ourselves. Share your struggles alongside your victories. When you open your heart, you give others permission to do the same.

Second, be intentional. Instead of waiting for the perfect moment, create it. Send that text message checking in on your friend’s doctor’s appointment. Drop by with a homemade meal when you know she’s overwhelmed. These small acts of love speak volumes.

Third, be faithful. When God entrusts us with someone’s confidences and vulnerabilities, it’s a sacred trust. Hold these precious shares carefully, covered in prayer and wrapped in discretion.

Yes, we can choose to stay in the shallow end, trading pleasantries and keeping our walls high. Or we can dive deeper, taking the risk to form connections that reflect God’s heart for relationship. After all, He is the author of friendship, and He delights in seeing His daughters support and encourage one another.

There are ‘friends’ who destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother.” In these golden years, let’s be the kind of friends who stick close, who pray fervently, who love deeply, and who reflect God’s faithful love to others. Proverbs 18:24

“There are ‘friends’ who destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother.” In these golden years, let’s be the kind of friends who stick close, who pray fervently, who love deeply, and who reflect God’s faithful love to others.

Dear Father, help us to be the friends who build up, who love sacrificially, and who give generously as You have given to us. Thank You for the gift of friendship and for showing us through Your Word what true friendship looks like. Guide us in nurturing relationships that honor You and encourage others. Amen.

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In the middle of our hectic lives, we so often find ourselves craving just a moment of peace; hence, the Peaceful Playlist I’ve put together. 

You are invited to download your copy for when you need to carve out a little bit of peace and serenity!

Listen as you get ready for a busy day, as you travel, as you cook, whenever you need to find a moment to breathe, relax, and bring your mind back to a peaceful spot.

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