
Changes are tricky.

They are unsettling, exciting, terrifying and often unexpected. How we chose to face change will shape our life story in many ways. Like it or not, change happens. 

Several years ago we moved from a four-bedroom home of 20 years with its family room, finished basement, screen porch, three stall garage, huge yard and countless memories into a 400 sq foot tiny house during the summer months and a rental during the chilly (freezing) season. 

We are often asked if we miss our house. I answer there are many things I miss – namely the washer and dryer, side by side refrigerator, neighbors and the crazy controlled chaos we shared as we raised our family.

However,  I do not miss being a home-owner with its responsibilities and repairs. I clean my little space top to bottom in less than an hour. We dine al fresco in the summer, have met wonderful friends and have no grass to cut or snow to shovel!

our dining room table


Changes are complicated.

The last night was emotional. Surrounded by a mountain of boxes, we slept in front of our beloved fireplace. One more time we savored what we had shared there together.

Those four walls had rocked and rolled with laughter and countless memories over the years. We raised three children, welcomed grandchildren and shared countless meals with friends and family around the slightly scarred dining room table. We knew no matter where time brought us in the years to come, never again would we live in a place that held these precious moments.

Those memories were the last “piece” I packed when we left our home. I tucked them deep into my heart as I closed the door one final time. With tears running down my face, I breathed a silent prayer for the new owners who would soon make it home and thanked God for the years we spent creating a family in this place. 

2181 Easy Street


Changes will come.

Some are of our own choosing. While we chose to sell our home, it was still hard.

We are told for each of us there are seasons and a season for everything, but I know for some of you dear ones winter feels like it will never end. What then? 

  • Gather your people. Surround yourself with those who care deeply for you. This is not the time to be a lone ranger. 
  • Practice good self-care. Walk. Eat the right things. Rest. Dust off a hobby you loved in a former life. Take care of you.
  • Know winter does not last forever. Spring comes slowly at times, but it always comes.  The darkness will fade and new life will shoot from the cold dark ground. 
  • Lean into the one who created the seasons. He loves you deeply and stands beside you even when night is long 

For everything, there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1 


What is hardest for you when facing changes? What have you done to press into those changes? 

My prayer for you and I is to be aware of the season we are in and willing to embrace it full on – not willing to miss out on anything. Life is short. God has a plan and you my friend are greatly loved by him! 



  1. Oh, my; this brought back some intense memories. Thanks for your honesty, Nancy. When we remember how hard some of the stages were, we sometimes ask ourselves if we regret making the changes. Absolutely not. There might be small decisions that I could wish I had done differently and there were most certainly losses to grieve… But oh, my; we are so glad we made the jump.

    1. Kaye- I have loved following your journey as well! Hither and yon with adventures along the way! Fun as well to see you settle in your newest surroundings and connecting with the community around you now.


  2. The hardest things about change for me is fear of the unknown, being taken out of my comfort zone and settling in to a new routine. You know the changes last year thrust upon me, and while I would never have asked for it, God certainly brought something beautiful from it. Change is hard when it’s happening, but I’m SO grateful for where I am today.

    And my eyes leaked a little reading this post. While I didn’t spend a lot of time at your house, I was there enough to feel the sentimental pull of when you had to say goodbye. Sometimes I wish we could do the same, but…our stuff!! 🙂

    Love you, sweet friend!

    1. Oh yes the unknown. We love our routine and the familiar. Thankful for the grace that has carried you… and continues to create beauty in your life! Trusting Him in the tricky unknowns are what we must do.
      (.. and yes my eyes leaked some too as I wrote )

      Blessings and hugs –

  3. Well said, Nancy. You’ve learned so much in your life. You have brought richness and clarity to your family and friends. His love and mine, Linda

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