
Today I’m linking up with Lisa-Jo for Five-Minute Friday. Join me! The rules: Write for five minutes. No editing, revising, overthinking, or backtracking. Just write.

 Word for the day- Beautiful. 

Laughter raindrops dog kisses baby kisses. Hugs sand between toes Lake Michigan in the summer.   Lake Michigan in the winter. Lake Michigan in the fall. Lake Michigan in the spring. Faithful spouse. waking up next to the same person, not looking like I am the same person anymore and still feeling loved. Christmas ornaments being unpacked from the same box every year, and commenting every year how much we love these little pieces of our lives we hang on a tree. Beautiful.  

Friends gathered around  a dinner table sharing life together. Friends standing with us when our family struggles. Friends dreaming with us when we are unsure what our dream are. Beautiful.

Fourth of July fireworks  spread across the sky. America for all of its scars and divisions is still a beautiful place to live.  Small towns filled with families watching parades and eating elephant ears, sticky faces and the sound of a high school marching band of sweaty teenagers on a hot summer morning drums pounding and the ground rumbling with the sound of jets flying overhead in celebration of our nation’s freedoms.. Beautiful.


Children once small and in my arms, now building their own families, full to the brim with their own  memories .Grandchildren now bringing laughter and hugs to our days. Knowing we will have less of a role in their lives than we did our own children but knowing this too is good and beautiful. These little people birthed from our children- incredibly beautiful.

Future unknown and uncertain. Feeling like we are at a crossroads and wondering what is next- still beautiful.

Waiting on the corner of our day, looking both ways before we cross the street- looking ahead to the unfolding of opportunity. No longer living in the known, stepping out into possibility.  Beautiful.

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