The Grace of Self-Forgiveness: A Heart-to-Heart Talk

Have you ever noticed how we tend to our gardens, our homes, and our relationships with others, yet sometimes forget to nurture the most fundamental relationship of all – the one with ourselves?

Just as an untended garden slowly withers, our inner peace can fade when we neglect to show ourselves the same grace we extend to others.

I’ve been thinking lately about how often we carry the heavy burden of self-judgment. Perhaps you’re nodding your head right now, recognizing that critical inner voice that whispers “not good enough” or “should have done better.”

That perfectionism we wear like a badge of honor? It might actually be a chain holding us back from experiencing God’s perfect love.

You see, when we hold ourselves to impossible standards, we often project those same expectations onto others. That critical eye we turn inward often has a way of looking outward too.

But here’s the beautiful truth: God didn’t create us to be perfect – He created us to be forgiven.

There’s this powerful quote by Dolores Huerta that really strikes at the heart of the matter: “If you have not forgiven yourself something, how can you forgive others?” These words echo the very essence of Christ’s teaching about forgiveness, reminding us that it must begin within.

The good news? The path to freedom starts with a single step – choosing to forgive yourself. Those past mistakes, those moments of weakness, those decisions you wish you could undo – it’s time to lay them at the foot of the cross. The past is written, yes, but God’s grace writes our future.

As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us. – Psalm 103:12

Your Challenge Today

Sweet reader friend, I invite you to join me in a powerful exercise of release and renewal.

Find a quiet moment, just you and the Lord, with paper and pen in hand….This is sacred work we’re doing together.

  1. In prayer, write down those burdens you’ve been carrying – the regrets, the shame, the self-disappointment
  2. If possible, reach out to those you need to make amends with
  3. For those you can’t reach, write them a letter (even if it never gets sent)
  4. Take time to truly sit with God and receive His forgiveness
  5. In a final act of release, carefully burn your list (safely in a bowl or fireplace), watching as God’s grace transforms these burdens to ashes

Remember, this journey of forgiveness isn’t a one-time event – it’s a daily walk with our Father. Some days will be harder than others, and that’s okay.

If today’s message has stirred something deep within you, please know you’re not alone- we are all walking this path together. It would be a privilege to stand beside you in prayer… reach out here!

Find the peace in your day

Download My Peaceful Playlist

In the middle of our hectic lives, we so often find ourselves craving just a moment of peace; hence, the Peaceful Playlist I’ve put together. 

You are invited to download your copy for when you need to carve out a little bit of peace and serenity!

Listen as you get ready for a busy day, as you travel, as you cook, whenever you need to find a moment to breathe, relax, and bring your mind back to a peaceful spot.

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