A Dedication

What would my walk with God look like if I took this to heart…if I prayed this prayer each day and watched what God would do.

Guard my heart
Fill me with your love
fill me with your spirit
clothe me in humility
make me a servant
guard my tongue
give me wisdom and discernment
a grateful spirit
help me to walk by faith not by sight

WHO – might I see differently?

WHAT – would change in my life?

WHERE – might I go?

Heavenly Father- I am asking you this day to guard my heart and fill me with your love. I long for your spirit to clothe me in humility. Take from me any pride or false living. I ask you for a bigger heart to serve. Papa God, I ask you to guard my tongue and my thoughts that I might not sin against you. I need your wisdom to walk this life in a way that honors and blesses you. I have walked in my own pithy ideas and not used godly wisdom. I repent of not listening to you and waiting on you. I am incredibly thankful for your faithfulness in my life. I confess I have not been a mirror of your goodness and wisdom. I am often disappointed in myself- but never in you. You are amazingly good to me day after day. I pray the second half of my life would reflect the evidence of this prayer in a huge way. I ask you this today. Amen

Heavenly Father- I dedicate this blog and all of my writing… to you.
Heavenly Father- I dedicate any coaching opportunities I may given …to you.

Any influence that may be entrusted to me …is given back to you.I thank you in advance for everything. It is up to you Jehovah God. I surrender any hopes and dreams I may have. I bring it to you and lay it at your feet.


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