Looking for a fresh start?

Need a new perspective?

Not sure where to begin?

Looking for a fresh start?

Need a new perspective?

Not sure where to begin?

I’ve been there and I know what’s it like to feel stuck.

When you face change there are questions wherever you turn.
You wonder “What’s next? Do I matter? Where do I fit?”

What does God have for me now?

If you are here, I believe you are a woman no longer willing to settle for the status quo.

You have both excitement and trepidation filling the deep places of your soul.

Life has changed and now you are ready to change too.
You have ideas but aren’t sure how to put them into motion.
The rhythms and routines that worked before seem dry and empty.

Your prayer is God, how do I “do” this new season and what do you have for me now?

The good news is you don’t have to navigate this journey alone. Two are always better than one and I’m here to help you dust off your dreams, align your priorities and discover what it truly means to live with intention and on purpose.

It’s time to begin again.

I want to help you with….

Inspire creativity. Unlock Joy.be brave.

Enjoy the link to my playlist collection

Hi there!

I’m Nancy

Hi, I’m Nancy! I created The Intentional Life to help you live your very best life on purpose with a purpose so that you can stress less & focus on what matters most to you.

I believe it’s possible to live a creative, courageous, beautiful, and brave life that aligns with your unique needs and values at every age, stage and season!

Coaching women who are wondering what’s next

I found my passion in helping other women embrace change, and find clarity, value, significance, and purpose in every season. I believe it’s possible to live a creative and beautiful life even when everything around you changes. 

Book your FREE 30-minute discovery call here.

Questions? Send me a message.